Jackeline Castillo, Envision Academy
College: Sonoma State University

Jackeline is Envision Academy’s 2018 winner of the Bob Lenz Scholarship Award.

Jackeline Castillo embodies the principle of a strong work ethic: every day she shows up with a smile on her face, ready to get down to business.  She is kind, thoughtful, and committed not only to her own success, but also that of the people around her. When faced with challenges, she does not back down: she reaches out.  She asks her peers, her teachers, her counselors, or whoever has the knowledge, to help her overcome any obstacle. This ability to advocate for herself and to build community is what Envision is all about, and we are so grateful to have had her among us. It is her work ethic, her community mindset, and her positivity that will propel her far in life, and will undoubtedly contribute to her imminent success at Sonoma State University.


The Bob Lenz PDO Scholarship award of $1000 is given each year to one graduating senior from each school site who exemplifies the Calvin Coolidge phrase: “Persistence and Determination alone are Omnipotent (PDO).”  Erin Brockovich made these words her motto in her successful campaign to expose toxic water tables in the Central Valley.  Bob and his Envision co-founders adopted the motto as well, applying it to Envision’s tireless work to help students develop the persistence and determination to succeed in college. Each of our award-winning students:


  • Has gone through significant hardship and persisted through adversity;
  • Has been accepted to and plans to attend a 4-year university or college.